Sign at Musgrave Roadhouse |
The day we drove from Kingfisher Park to Musgrave Roadhouse, without doubt the highlight was the black form of Brown Treecreeper (race melanotus). It was darker, but the most noticeable feature was the distinct cream coloured eyebrow.
The next day we met Sue Shepherd and admired Golden-shouldered Parrots. Phil pulled his car off the road and parked under a gum tree which was full of parrots, including at least two striking males. Later we saw Little Woodswallows on our way to the Red Goshawk's nest. We could see the goshawk on the nest, tail poking out one end, head the other.
On Tuesday, we visited a place called Water Tanks, with large native palms, pretty water lilies and lots of Star Finches. We drove through Coen, with its Sexchange Hotel, and on along dreadful roads to Archer River. It was dark when we arrived and I couldn't see my long awaited whistling ducks. The next morning, I was up before dawn, eager to get a look at my 803rd Australian bird.
Me looking at Spotted Whistling Ducks, photo by David Landon |
On Wednesday we drove to Lockhart River. We saw our first Palm Cockatoos for the trip, as well as White-streaked Honeyeaters, Grey Whistlers, White-faced Robins and Eclectus Parrots. Birds were wonderful, but I was still missing catbirds from my list.
We went spotlighting several times and saw Large-tailed Nightjars, Marbled, Papuan and Tawny Frogmouths, a Barking Owl and a Barn Owl. We also saw a Striped Possum and a Southern Common Cuscus. We saw a Grassland Melomys with two babies and a Common Spotted Cucus in daylight. We also saw several Bare-backed Fruit Bats during the day - they were huge.
On Thursday we had great views of Green-backed Honeyeaters, Yellow-billed Kingfishers and Magnificent Riflebirds. On Friday morning, when at last I thought we might look for catbirds, five Fawn-breasted Bowerbirds turned up on our lawn and demanded our attention. Then we were entertained by a hobby attacking a pair of Grey Goshawks. The rainforest echoed with the rich, fluty call of Green Orioles and the attention-grabbing whistle of Magnificent Riflebirds. Sadly, there was no mewing of catbirds. We saw Frilled Monarchs and Wompoo Fruit-Doves and breathtaking views of Chestnut-breasted Cuckoos.
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