The next morning, at a small park outside Malanda, we saw a Tooth-billed Bowerbird. We paused at Bromfield Swamp on our way to Mt Hypipamee. Here we admired the Golden Bowerbird's bower, then saw the bird as well as Mountain Thornbill. We had great views of a bird I'd once thought I'd never see, and have now seen really well on three separate occasions - the Fernwren.
Common Brushtail Possum |
The next day in Dinden National Park we saw White-browed Robins and Northern Fantails, and, most excitingly, a Red Boobook! Robert Nevinson, our other guide, rubbed a stick against the trunk of a likely tree, and, to our delight, the boobook flew out. It sat glaring at us, demanding to know why we'd disturbed its rest.
Looking at a Red Boobook, the northern race of the Southern Boobook |
We had lunch in Kuranda where we saw the second thrilling snake of the trip - a Green Tree Snake. It wasn't green and it wasn't in a tree. It was beside the track, black with a yellow belly, with white flecks on its back. It was thin and about a metre long. It slithered away and suddenly all the white flecks disappeared and its back became a uniform dark colour.
Spotlighting that night gave us one Green Ringtail Possum and one Barn Owl. My bird count was 178. We then moved on to part two of the tour: Iron Range.
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