Yesterday was a south walk, not usually a record-breaking occasion. (I do much better on north walks, where I walk through a large park.) Yesterday, I was on my way home, thinking of other things, when a small bird darted out from a bush in front of me. My first thought was 'Eastern Spinebill.' Spinebills are not common here and I always love to see them. I tried to identify the bird, but he was most uncooperative, flitting in and out behind the foliage. Finally, I got him. It was a Grey Fantail, a new bird for my walk list.
Grey Fantail, photo by Ken Haines. Not my Kew bird but hopefully the same race. |
I have seen Grey Fantails near home before, but never on a walk. Alas, I don't know the date when I first saw one. The second occasion was in October 2004 and the third in April 2005. This bird was my fourth sighting in suburban Kew and it had been almost exactly 14 years since I'd last seen one. (I say suburban Kew because I'm sure Grey Fantails are frequently seen near the Yarra River in Kew. This is nowhere near where I live.)
There were two things noteworthy about this morning's walk: (1) I did not see or hear a Noisy Miner (Hooray!) and (2) I heard a Spotted Pardalote (not rare, but unusual).
Tomorrow is a west walk. Clearly, too much to hope for another new bird.