Having left Greensborough, I've spent the last couple of weeks in Eltham
There were three species I saw in Greensborough which I haven't seen in Eltham. They are Common Bronzewing, Dusky Moorhen and Rock Dove. There were six species I saw in Eltham that I did not see in Greensborough. They were Laughing Kookaburra, Little Corella, Spotted Pardalote, Crimson Roselle, Gang Gang Cockatoo and (disappointingly) Common Starling.
The number of Noisy Miners in Eltham is quite disturbing, and the lack of Silvereyes, thornbills and Eastern Spinebills is sad. Having said that I should point out that only twice did I actually go birding: most of my observations were made walking along Main Road, so I do not pretend that my list is in any way comprehensive.