Saturday, 24 February 2018


2018 is not being kind to me.

I dipped on the Black-eared Catbird, and now I've dipped on the White-necked Petrel for the second time this year.  That's it for WNP attempts for me this year, as I'll be in the Torres Strait in March.  (Best time to see these petrels is January, February and March.  They are recorded in April - in fact I've been told that Port Stephens in April is the best time to see them - but the records do not seem to back that up.)
Long-tailed Jaeger, photo by Brook Whylie

It was a disappointing day at sea.  The weather was better than expected - it was warm, there was a little wind and some rain as we returned to port.  We expected heavy seas, but they really weren't too bad.  It was a little rough as we headed to the shelf, but not nearly as bumpy as had been forecast.
Wedge-tailed Shearwater, photo by Brook Whylie 

In January, when I did the Kiama pelagic, I decided the Bird of the Day was the bulbul I saw on the way to the boat.  Yesterday, it was easy to select the Bird of the Day, as there were so few contenders.  I added three seabirds to my list for 2018:  Wilson's Storm Petrel, Shy Albatross and Long-tailed Jaeger.  The storm petrel flew past just once, wanting to get himself onto our list, but not staying to chat.  The albatross also did not linger.  It flew in to the berley, grabbed breakfast and departed immediately.  The jaegers were more cooperative.  There were several big fat Pomarine Jaegers throughout the day, but I'm told there were only three Long-tailed Jaegers:  an adult, a juvenile and an immature.  They stayed with us for most of the day, flying overhead and showing off their different plumages.  Indisputably the Bird of the Day.
Hutton's Shearwater, photo by Brook Whylie

We saw the usual list of shearwaters, a few Grey-faced Petrels and a sprinkling of terns.  I think any birder would have classed it as an unsatisfactory birdlist.
Grey-faced Petrel, photo by Brook Whylie

It was a disappointed wet group of birders who disembarked from the boat when we returned to Kiama.  I believe there were a dozen birders on board.  At least five of us had travelled up from Victoria with the sole purpose of admiring a White-necked Petrel.  It was my eighteenth attempt to see this bird. I wonder how many more times must I travel north in search of a bird that is not supposed to be rare.

Thursday, 15 February 2018


Yesterday, my birding friend, PJ, and I visited the Western Treatment Plant at Werribee.  It was our first visit for 2018, so we expected to get lots of ticks for our year lists.  We saw nine species of ducks and five species of terns.  We saw several (five I think) very dark young Swamp Harriers, each looking very handsome.  We saw Glossy Ibis, Baillon's Crake and a Black-faced Cormorant (a bird we rarely see at Werribee).  We had great views of a very friendly Little Grassbird, and, to cap it all off, a Peregrine Falcon and a pair of wedgies put in appearance as we were leaving.

We arrived at about 11 and left around 3.30.  In this time we clocked up 83 species, notwithstanding wind and rain.

Luck seemed to be with us.  We started at the T Section where the roads had all been graded and gravelled.  We were most appreciative of this when it started to rain.  All the usual suspects were here (waders, ducks, coots, cisticolas, finches, chats) as well as one confident and confiding Baillon's Crake, one Glossy Ibis and our friendly Little Grassbird.

Next, we drove to Western Lagoons, where we always add Red-capped Plover to our list.  We were admiring waders here, when a couple of Brolgas flew overhead - always an inspiring sight.  We were pleased to see a Marsh Sandpiper foraging beside a Common Greenshank, making a useful comparison.

We stopped along Beach Road to admire our first Black-shouldered Kite for the day, and saw a large flock of Zebra Finches with a few European Greenfinches tagging along, and Yellow-rumped Thornbills hopping amongst them.  All birds we'd hoped to add to our lists for 2018.

We drove to the boat launch and I said I'd like a Pacific Gull.  Obligingly, PJ pointed to the left.  Then I requested a Pied Cormorant and immediately PJ produced one. While my luck was in, I said an Australasian Gannet would be good and one flew unusually close right in front of us!  Howzat!  Perhaps I should have requested a White-necked Petrel!

As we drove through the gate on Beach Road we could see ducks loafing on Freckled Duck Rock.  We drove closer and confirmed they were Freckled Ducks.  This was once a reliable spot to see them, but I haven't seen them there for years.
Male Freckled Duck - I confess I did not take this yesterday

We took the coast road to the Borrow Pits, then drove out along Paradise Road, where Cape Barren Geese were grazing.  Our bird list was round about 80 and we were feeling pretty pleased with ourselves.  Then the peregrine appeared, right beside the car, and a couple of wedgies soared overhead as we drove through the final gate.

Werribee never disappoints, but yesterday was really one out of the bag.